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TransGriot Nuke A Troll 20-Still Sniffing That WP

Was a short lived liberty call for the crew of the USS Monica.  We once again have to take to the cyberseas and drop 50 megatons of knowledge on another poor unsuspecting fool that tried to drop a comment in an old post and thought he could get away with it.

The post in question this time is one entitled 'Y'all Already Have WET and the NAAWP, So Stop Trippin'. and the poor soul who is about to get troll nuked is someone calling themselves Gustan
there are countless blacks involved & affiliated with the republican party. how can you say that "The Congressional White Caucus is called the Republican Party. The NAAWP is the Republican Party". whites do not close the doors on blacks anymore, thats ancient history (but yesterday to disgruntled colored youth who have no one to blame for mom's heroine addiction or the reason they only got 1 present from santa). if you want to be CEO of a television station so you can add more BET's, maybe you should work harder at it than the next man (in this case the "next white man"). it seems to me those roles have reversed in the 21st century. blacks are closing the doors to white people on everything they possibly can based on a almost 2 century year old grudge and its being accepted! black fraternities/sororities? why? Miss Black America pageant?? i mean, come onnn. could you imagine the outrage the black community would have over an all white beauty pageant!?! granted - there might be more white contestants in a global pageant, but i dont ever recall them excluding an entire race. by creating these groups colored people are further segregating themselves. racial grudges = an ugly future.


Gustan..if that's your real name since you trolls never have the cojones to post your bull feces under anything but an alias, your vanilla scented white sheet is showing.

Countless Blacks in the republican party?  ROTFLMBAO    Where?    At the 2008 Republican Party convention, in St. Paul there were a grand total of 36 African Americans, 1.5% of the total delegates.  

By comparison, the 2008 Democratic Party convention in Denver by comparison had 1079, which was 24% of the total delegates.   Don't even get me started ticking down the long list of African American celebs who are Democrats such as Kerry Washington, Spike Lee, Rosario Dawson,  Sean Combs, Danny Glover..... 

Unlike the GOP, Ronald H Brown served as the Democratic Party chair from 1988-1992 and we have long had African American involved in every facet of the party from the precinct chair level to the DNC while the number of African Americans in your party has been regressing.  Don't and haven't seen comparable numbers for obvious reasons in the NAAWP or the 'Congressional White Caucus'.    

Whites do not close the door on Blacks anymore?   Yeah, right.   You haven't been paying attention to GOP/Tea Klux Klan legislators, the legislation they are pimping and the unemployment numbers. 

I know you ain't talking about heroin addictions since the FBI under COINTELPRO flooded black neighborhoods with it to cut support for the Black Panthers and you have a rampant crystal meth addition in the exurbs and rural areas to contend with.

Cathy Hughes and Robert Johnson had to build their broadcasting outlets from the ground up against people who inherited theirs.  So don't even try peddling that 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' bull feces here when the federal programs they used to build BET and Radio One have long since been killed by Republicans.

A 2 century old grudge?  Tell me, is that the new conservaspin line for trying to minimize slavery and Jim Crow segregation?  Time to pay those reparations for that 243 years of unpaid labor and the longer you wait, the more it's going to cost..

If it weren't for you white peepul being hatefully discriminatory, racist, et cetera; those orgs wouldn't exist.   They came into existemce to facilitate our survival in a country with genocidal hostility to African descended people.   Black fraternities and sororities exist for service and educational reasons, and have produced some of the groundbreaking leaders and trailblazers in American society, including many of the civil rights leaders  and a King who has a DC memorial
Miss Black America wouldn't be necessary if you not only weren't freezing sisters out back in the day from  entering the Miss USA and Miss America pageants, you weren't so busy denigrating and disrespecting African American women and their beauty in the first place.

racial grudges = an ugly future.   That's the only part of your jacked up comment that actually has some truth to it, but even a broken clock like you can be right twice a day.   

It's because of your racial grudges that you have for 150 years allowed yourselves to be played by rich white people to vote against your own political and economic interests.   It is because of your racial grudges that you arrogantly and stupidly believe that killing government programs and shrinking government will hurt non whites but they actually hurt you and this country in the short and long run.  

It is your racial grudges that have been on display for the whole world to see ever since November 4, 2008 and an African American president was elected..   It is your racial grudges that have been on display since you discovered that you will soon be a minority in the USA in 2040 with all the ugly political consequences and racist rhetoric aimed at non-whites emanating from it.  
When it comes to pimping racial grudges, nobody does that better than y'all.   See American history for extensive evidence of that.

Duck and cover fool, and don't look at the troll nuke when it goes off.



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