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Guess Who's At OUT on The Hill?

Hey TransGriot readers, I'm in Washington DC in full effect and eager to participate in the second annual National Black Justice Coalition OUT on the Hill event that starts today and is running through September 25.

I flew in yesterday morning. was blesssed with the opportunity to reconnect with 'Number Four', AKA IFGE Trinity Award honoree Earline Budd at THE , the people there, Danielle King, Ruby Corado, Jeri Hughes, Denise Leclair and an increasingly long list of transpeeps in and outside of DC. 

I will be hanging out inside the beltway until the conclusion of the conference.

The OUT on the Hill event has allowed me to fulfill multiple dreams at once    I was bitterly disappointed I missed last year's inaugural event and was resigned to the fact I was probably going to miss it this year until some things happened that made my participation in it move from a distant dream to the reality of me hanging around fellow African descended activists and our allies with a huge smile on my  face..

I am looking forward to spending a few days in Washington DC meeting and greeting fellow African descended LGBT activists from all over the country over the next few days, and I'm planning on taking a side trip to see the MLK, Jr. Memorial.

But the thing I'm most excited about is the opportunity to attend an event I've wanted to go to for years in the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation-Annual Legislative Conference.  It's been a dream of mine for ten years to attend the ALC and now I'm finally getting the opportunity to do so.  

And what has really made me happy is my family is proud and happy I'm here as well.

I'm well on my way to achieving one of the goals I set for this trip by hooking up with a few of the local DC activists in town and friends in the area as well when I'm not dealing with OUT on the Hill related business.  I'm planning to talk to them not only about their own lives, but all the off the chain crazy stuff that has been happening to our transpeople in DC lately and whatever other concerns they wish to express to me and the TransGriot readers.

Moni's going to be busy over the next few days being in reporter mode, but I'm so looking forward to discussing what's happening at the 2011 version of OUT on the Hill..



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