TransGriot Note: Been a while since I've had the pleasure of a post from author Pamela Hayes on the blog and since some of you readers have been asking about her, her she is..
This morning, while receiving a dialysis treatment, I was sipping Perrier and watching Judge Mathis, which featured a trans woman litigant, who was also a hairdresser. She was irate because a customer in the salon snapped a photo of her while she slept and put it on the Internet, asking the question, “Is this a man or a woman?”
The trans woman was embarrassed, fuming and seeking justice. She said that one of her regular customers, a pastor or First Lady of a church told her (the trans woman) that she always admired her work, but she was religious, so she could not be connected with the trans woman. So she withdrew her business. Judge Mathis expressed outrage, saying something along the lines of how he believed this sanctimonious church woman still aligned herself with church people, who were probably telling lies and fornicating on a regular basis. Which led to a thunderous applause from the spectators.
The woman who took the picture said she didn’t believe that the trans woman had even had a sex change. “She still has her man parts,” the woman accused.
"Ma’am, what does that have to do with anything?” Judge Mathis snapped, becoming impatient with the defendant. “You took a picture of her without her permission and then you raised questions about her sexuality on the world wide web. That is the issue here.” He told her that what she had done was invasion of privacy.
Judge Mathis ruled in the trans woman’s favor. After the verdict was handed down, the two women took their verbal skirmish out into the lobby. The natal woman nastily told the trans woman--”You ain’t no real woman. You don’t menstruate. You can’t have no baby.”
Over the years, I’ve had angry women to shout such comments to me countless times. Natal women like that are extraordinarily insecure and they feel threatened by trans women. And if they see a man express an interest in a trans woman, they will try to shame him out of it by making jokes about his attraction to a trans woman. Sadly, oftentimes, it works.
Some trans women express glee, for lack of a better word, when genetic women display indignation and jealousy towards them. Numerous times, I've heard trans women say, “I love it when fish (trans slang for natal woman) are threatened by me.”
Well, this trans woman doesn't love it. I truly believe that some of those women are dangerous. The mere fact that she’d run around telling everybody that a trans woman is a man, referring to a trans woman as he, him and it shows that she has some loose screws.
And I’ve often wondered if by broadcasting a trans woman’s business hither and yon if she is hoping that someone even more unbalanced than she is will attack the trans woman.
When a trans woman encounters a bitch like that, I’d say ignore her and if she makes that impossible, just tell her that she is jealous and she needs to get a grip. Invariably that will put a stop to the inappropriate behavior. Most people don’t like to be told that they’re jealous because that suggests that they feel inadequate.
I thank Judge Mathis for his fair ruling.