Breaking News

Paul Scott Facing Possible Recall Election In Michigan

Michigan's transphobic conservanegro state legislator Paul Scott  (R-Grand Blanc), who ran a failed Secretary of State campaign heavy on the transphobia but was elected to a second term in the Michigan House, is now facing the ire of the constituents he pissed off with his conservastances.

A recall petition and its language was approved by the Genessee County Election Board which will allow the Recall Paul Scott group to start collecting the 9446 valid signatures they will need by August 5 to get it on the ballot.

Kat at ENDAblog let fly with her thoughts (as usual) about this good news from Michigan, and I am definitely happy to see this cookie chomping knee-grow potentially have to face a recall election.   Couldn't happen to a nicer transphobe.

Your GOP flavored BS is costing teachers and other people in your district jobs, and it will nice if their and other people's votes in a recall election cost you yours.

Got Oreo's? 



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