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No Wonder We Have A Large Trans Community In Texas

One of the things that is not well known is that the Lone Star State not only has significant clusters of trans people in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston,  but trans Texans come from and reside in cities from the Panhandle, East and West Texas to the Rio Grande Valley. 

We trans Texans have been driving forces in terms of shaping and providing innovative leadership inside and outside the state and for the national trans community as the five IFGE Trinity Award winners that have resided in the state are testimony to.

What set off this latest round of Texas bragging is Cristan unearthing another nugget of trans history with a Lone Star twist to it.    It's a 1936 article in a Dallas newspaper that announced a successful Female to Male surgery on a 15 year old patient


1936 News: Dallas Physician Reports Sex Change Operation As Successful #gender #history

Dallas Physician Reports Sex Change Operation As Successful

DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 17 (UP) — Dr. A. E. Hill, assistant Dallas county health officer, described today what he termed a successful operation to change the sex of a girl to that of a boy.

The patient, a 15-year-old ward of the county, underwent the operation several months ago Dr. Hill said and now is gradually assuming the physical properties of a man.

Dr. Hill said “the patient was known as Theresa, but now has adopted’ the name of Tony and is developing a beard, a thick growth of hair on chest and legs and a masculine voice.”

Dr. Hill revealed the operation after hearing of recent similar cases In Europe.




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