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Janet Speaks!

Looking forward to meeting Janet Mock one of these days and having a nice long chat with her, but in the interim, I'm reading her blog posts at Fish Food For Thought before that day comes and I get to give her that hug I keep promising her.

This one definitely needs to read by y'all.   It talks about her first post coming out speaking engagement at the Hetrick-Martin Institute in New York.

In case you're wondering, it's the organization that hosts the Harvey Milk High School for TBLG teens.  

After detailing my transition story, my move to New York, my career as a writer and editor, I left with one message, the one thing that my biggest cheerleaders had told me as a teen when all I seemed to care about was fully embodying my womanhood: “You are so much more than your circumstance. You are so much more than a transgender teen or a gay high school student. It’s just a facet that makes up the multifaceted beautiful being that is you.” y'all go read the rest of this post at Janet's blog. 



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